Sunday, May 6, 2007

Video Installation Art?

I am working on a video piece that is slightly experimental. The whole question that the piece revolves around is "Are you plugged in?" The type of video that it is does not just exist on a DVD that you can pop in your player and watch whenever you want. The video that I am creating is meant to only be viewed in a very specific place. I am creating that space in a room at my school to be set up for our all school gallery called "Art is my Voice". The room will be very dark being that the only light sources are strobe lights with long intervals and single television set playing my video looped (looped meaning when it reaches the end it seamlessly goes back to the beginning and plays). The room will also be littered with hundreds of feet of video cables almost emulating a jungle like feel. The walls will be decorated with things aiding the point of the video. The video is from the perspective of a young person. The questions that it brings up should range pretty wide. I am interested to see reactions to this one . . . If you would like to come see it let me know and I will get you information on when the gallery showing will be. I should be putting the video up on my you tube site (linked in the upper right hand corner of this page as "My videos") after the showing but be assured that watching the video alone will not have the same effects.


Kristiny-Head said...

So question...what does "are you plugged in?" actually mean?

Zacky said...

It is art so it is what ou interperet it to mean. if it is good art then the meaning for you will be more personal than I could even explain. generally I would say it is about being plugged into other people feedback and critisism and how that affects you. Personally for me it is about being plugged into a world that is about performance and numbers and could care less about spirit and faith.

Trisha said...

Sounds very interesting... I'll have to make B watch it with me so I get everything I'm supposed to... I'm really proud of everything you're doing. You put so much effort into everything, its very inspiring, not to mention insightful.... love ya little brother!