Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's Growing!

Growth is one of those things that doesn't usually happen while your watching. When your at school or work and your watching the clock the time just won't go, or if you have ever tried to measure yourself 3 times a day and not much happens. Somehow when you occupy yourself with thinking about something else and then you look back at whatever growth you were waiting for and it has noticable change. It's amazing! Somethings like tomatoes take water everyday and sunshine. Relationships take constant attenion and love. Our bodies ake food and water daily (and God if we are healthy). The point to all my rambling i guess is a reminder to not to forget to water what you want to grow. Water your relationships and plants; watch them grow.


called 2 shepherd said...

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who makes them grow."
1Cor. 3:7

Zacky said...

Thanks, that really puts into perspective how amazing God (who created growth) really is. It's a glimpse at the truth.