Thursday, July 26, 2007


Does anybody have that book that we got in Montana? I don't know if we got it there or if I brought it but it had a section where you wrote down prayer requests. I found mine recently and was amazed at how much I prayed for and even more amazed at how many were marked as answered. I think that sometimes we forget when God answers our prayers and it is easy to focus on the ones that he doesn't seem to answer. I noticed three in a row on my list that weren't marked as answered. They were actually just recently answered. Definitely not in the way I would have liked them to work out but worked out nonetheless. Pastor Jan told me something invaluable today: God will make everything ok as long as you give it to him so he can make it right. That is not an exact quote so if there is anything theologically unsound with that one let me know but honestly I hadn't seen it that way before. We are supposed to give things to God so hopefully they can work out and so he has the stress not us because we can't handle it all the time. He doesn't just take it; he handles it. I am going to be all right because of God. He didn't just save me but he is in the process of saving me. I have accepted him as God and run to Him all the time and that isn't where it ends. I kinda feel like I just figured out there is a whole life ahead of me filled with Him saving me. I would really hate to be alone right now. I am glad I am not.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's Growing!

Growth is one of those things that doesn't usually happen while your watching. When your at school or work and your watching the clock the time just won't go, or if you have ever tried to measure yourself 3 times a day and not much happens. Somehow when you occupy yourself with thinking about something else and then you look back at whatever growth you were waiting for and it has noticable change. It's amazing! Somethings like tomatoes take water everyday and sunshine. Relationships take constant attenion and love. Our bodies ake food and water daily (and God if we are healthy). The point to all my rambling i guess is a reminder to not to forget to water what you want to grow. Water your relationships and plants; watch them grow.