Friday, May 22, 2009

Forest of life en fuego

Imagine there is an enormous and gorgeous forest which we will call your life. You know when you have one of those years where every last tree in the entire forest catches on fire and is reduced to ash, tossed around carelessly by the wind? The funny thing about all that destruction is that is creates the perfect soil new life to spring from. If it weren't for the fire then new things would never have a chance. Thank God for the fire.


Mindy said...

If this was like facebook I would hit the "I like" button so that this would now say, Mindy Olson likes.

I watched YES MAN last night and this post reminds me of it. In the movie the main character learns to say yes, and when he does say yes instead of no, all of these good things start happening, and then he said no and he thought he had to only say YES, but he learns that some of the No's and some of the Yes' that he really didn't want, that brought bad things, lead to really good things.

Sorry for the long comment. But you should watch the movie, it was good.

p.s. I love this post and your what seem to be random deep thoughts.

Kristiny-Head said...

We saw the movie while it was in theaters. We weren't quite as sure about it. Some things were taken too far.